JavaNCSS - Credits

Copyright Notice

JavaNCSS is free software distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Copyright Chr. Clemens Lee.



The currently active crew with permission to write into the source code repository can be found here [2009-02-07].
  • Thanks to Metamata and Suntest for the JavaCC parser generator and especially the Java grammar on which JavaNCSS is based.
  • Ted Leung for a patch for the -out option.
  • Steve Jernigan for an Ant task fro JavaNCSS. This task can be downloaded separately from but is distributed with JavaNCSS as well. This task has also some additional features such as checks of user defined thresholds on individual metrics.
  • Pääkö for a patch for the -recursive feature [2002-03-16].
  • John Wilson for a patch to use "\r\n" on Windows to end lines for JavaNCSS's ascii output.
  • Emilio Gongora and Guillermo Rodriguez for patches to count number of lines of comments. Applying these patches is not finished yet and the only result you can see already is the the new Javadocs info for packages.
  • Phillip Wells for working on Steve Jernigan's Ant task and submitting it to the Ant project to be added into the optional.jar file [2002-06-08].
  • Ross Gardler (ross at donated an XSLT stylesheet to convert the xml output of JavaNCSS to a format very close to HTML. This can be used to generate custom HTML pages for your project [2002-06-15].
  • Terry Skelton (tskelton15 at donated an XSLT stylesheet to convert the XML output of JavaNCSS to HTML. [2002-07-05].
  • Yves Coene (Yves.Coene at donated XSLT stylesheets which generate beautiful SVG charts from the JavaNCSS XML output [2002-09-04].
  • Rajesh Raheja (Rajesh.Raheja at donated an XSLT stylesheet, which generates a simple HTML report of all metrics which exceed a certain limit [2003-05-11].
  • Chris Povirk for a patch in the XML handling for enums [2006-06-12].
  • David Chwalisz for enhancements to the ant build.xml script [2006-10-06].
  • Simon Brandhof for opening and moving JavaNCSS to the Codhaus development infrastructure (and Jira for bug tracking) [2009-02-07]. This will open up development to better collaboration with other developers and possibly will lead to new talent contributing much needed updates.
  • Hervé Boutemy for moving the whole project to Maven and cleaning up all kind of code areas (encoding etc.) [2009-02-07].
  • Freddy Mallet for a draft version of a new Java parser, which will allow easier extension of JavaNCSS by traversing Java source code via the visitor pattern [2009-02-07]. Hopefully this might also lead to more people being able to fix grammar bugs or updating the grammar to Java language extensions.
  • Sébastien Reynaud for many difficult Java grammar fixes [2009-06-01].
  • Peter Kofler for many Java grammar fixes [2014-07-12].

Thanks To

  • Frans van Gool for HtmlViewer (which got replaced by JavaHelp since JavaNCSS version 7).
  • Thanks to the users of JavaNCSS and to the people who provided valuable feedback and requests.
  • Thanks to Glen Cordrey for the tip how to set the JAVANCSS_HOME variable automaticly in javancss.bat.
  • Joseph Kiniry for bug reports for the parser and example test code (2001-06-16).
  • Jonathan Doughty for the error report of JavaNCSS not being able to handle JDK 1.4 assertions.
  • Carsten Lergenmüller for two error reports regarding the '-recursive' feature.
  • Chris Williamson for finding a rare parsing bug having to do with inner, outer, and super classes [2002-05-11].
  • Ted Leung for writing an Ant task for JavaNCSS of his own. Unfortunately I never got around looking into it and adding it to JavaNCSS. Finally when I found the time I decided to go for Steve Jernigan's task, as that adds some new features to JavaNCSS and has detailed documentation. Thought Ted's task has a simpler interface with its parameter names sticking nearer to the original JavaNCSS options [2002-06-08].
  • David Brandt fixed the wrong Javadocs per Function value for XML output [2002-07-21].
  • Vesa Karvonen for feedback regarding the overloaded 'functions' element in the XML DTD, which has led to the conversion stylesheet 'javancss_no_functions_overloading.xsl' [2002-08-04].
  • Again Vesa Karvonen for a bug report that revealed the incorrect production of XML output in conjunction with some exotic locale setting [2002-09-03].
  • Brad Kiewel for patching the build.xml Ant file to add a manifest to the javancss.jar file, so JavaNCSS can now be executed via java's -jar option [2002-09-04].
  • Anthony Sobey for pointing out that the '&&', '||', and '?' statements haven't been considered for measuring cyclomatic complexity numbers [2003-12-14].
  • Bill Burcham for adding SVG doctype definitions to the SVG stylesheets [2003-12-22].
  • Wally Bowles for the suggestion to use 'Method' instead of 'Function'. Has been applied so far only to an optional HTML output style sheet [2004-08-08].
  • Don Morrison, Lakshman Srilakshmanan, Eduardo Sherington for various bug reports [2006-05-14].
  • Tom Mitchell for bug reports and test code in the Java 1.5 parser code [2006-06-12].
  • Charles L, Anver Sotnikov, James Burton, Byron du Preez, Martin Lehofer, Darren M. Siegel, David Chwalisz for a bug reports and test code in the Java 1.5 parser code [2006-10-06].
  • Don Kautz and Isabelle Guimiot for bug reports and test code for the Java 1.5 parser code [2008-04-08].
  • Jean-Laurent de Morlhon for good morale when moving to Codehaus [2009-02-07]!