JavaNCSS has been moved on August 2008 to Codehaus for a shared source code repository. There is also a bug tracking tool. Furthermore there are a few mailing lists available for this project.
JavaNCSS is built using Maven: mvn package.
JavaNCSS site is built with Maven: mvn site.
As with any open source project, there are several ways you can help:
Your participation in the community is much appreciated!
When you have either completed an issue or just want some feedback on the work you have done, create a patch and attach the patch to the issue in question. We have a couple of guidelines when creating patches:
An example on how to create a patch from the command line:
$ svn diff > JAVANCSS-123.patch
If you are picking up an issue with a existing patch attached to the issue, you can apply the patch to your working directory directly from JIRA like this. The wget and patch commands will only be available if you are on a UNIX platform or using Cygwin on windows.
$ wget -O - -q <URL to the patch from JIRA> | patch -p0
If the patch is in a local file JAVANCSS-123.patch and you want to apply that use this command:
$ patch -p0 < JAVANCSS-123.patch
JavaNCSS uses the same formatting conventions as Maven. There is an Eclipse and an Idea configuration, see Maven Conventions.
To deploy JavaNCSS site or artifact (either SNAPSHOT or release), you'll need to have your Codehaus credentials defined in ~/.m2/settings.xml for server:
<settings> <servers> <server> <id></id> <username>your username</username> <password>your password</password> </server> </servers> </settings>
Note that starting with Maven 2.1.0, password can be stored encrypted: see the encryption guide on Maven site
JavaNCSS pom.xml is actually configured to deploy the site on see distributionManagement/site section. The site can be deployed at any time with mvn site-deploy command. can only be deployed by Clemens.
JavaNCSS SNAPSHOTs can be deployed on Codehaus Snapshot repository with mvn deploy command.
JavaNCSS release is automated with Maven release plugin. It has 3 steps:
The release is deployed on Codehaus main repository, which is sync'ed once a day on Maven Central repository. Note that as soon as a release has been sync'ed to Maven Central repository, you can't change anything: any change on Codehaus main repository will be ignored by Maven Central repository.
To get some feedback from the community for important events of the project, a vote mecanism is encouraged inspired by Apache Voting Process. Of course, JavaNCSS community is a lot lighter than Apache, then these instructions are only to be taken as an indication.