View Javadoc
1   /*
2   Copyright (C) 2002 Steve Jernigan <>.
4   This file is part of JavaNCSS2Ant and JavaNCSS
5   ( ,
8   JavaNCSS2Ant and JavaNCSS are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
11  later version.
13  JavaNCSS2Ant and JavaNCSS are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16  for more details.
18  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  along with JavaNCSS; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
20  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
21  Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
23  package javancss;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import java.util.ArrayList;
30  import java.util.Arrays;
31  import java.util.List;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
40  /**
41   * Ant task to report and check basic code metrics.
42   *
43   * <p>This task wraps the JavaNCSS library for determining code metrics. The
44   * library determines several code metrics such as object counts, non-commented
45   * source statements (NCSS), cyclomatic complexity numbers (CCN), and javadoc
46   * statements. These counts are subtotaled per function, class, and package.
47   * This task allows you to place minimum and maximum thresholds on each of these
48   * (not all of these make sense but all are included for completeness).
49   *
50   * <p>The original version of this task was written by Steve Jernigan and made
51   * available on SourceForge as the JavaNCSS2Ant project. It was subsequently
52   * extended by Phillip Wells to enable access to the report generation feature
53   * of the tool whereupon it was submitted for inclusion in Ant itself.
54   *
55   * <p>JavaNCSS was developed by Christoph Clemens Lee and is available
56   * <a href="">here</a>.
57   *
58   * @author Phillip Wells
59   * @author Steve Jernigan
60   * @author Clemens Lee
61   */
62  public class JavancssAntTask extends MatchingTask {
63      /**
64       * The command to be executed to run to tool.
65       */
66      private CommandlineJava commandline = new CommandlineJava();
67      /**
68       * Whether the build should halt if there is an error or a threshold is
69       * exceeded.
70       */
71      private boolean abortOnFail = false;
72      /**
73       * The directory containing the source files to be scanned by the tool.
74       */
75      private File srcdir;
76      /**
77       * The classpath to be used.
78       */
79      private Path classpath;
80      /**
81       * The location of the output file.
82       */
83      private File outputfile;
84      /**
85       * The format of the output file. Allowable values are 'plain' or 'xml'.
86       */
87      private String format = "plain";
88      /**
89       * Indicates the failure of the JavaNCSS process.
90       */
91      private static final int FAILURE = 1;
92      /**
93       * Indicates the success of the JavaNCSS process.
94       */
95      private static final int SUCCESS = 0;
96      /**
97       * The maximum number of classes per package.
98       */
99      private int classPerPkgMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
100     /**
101      * The minimum number of classes per package.
102      */
103     private int classPerPkgMin = -1;
104     /**
105      * The maximum number of functions per package.
106      */
107     private int funcPerPkgMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
108     /**
109      * The minimum number of functions per package.
110      */
111     private int funcPerPkgMin = -1;
112     /**
113      * The maximum number of non-commenting source statements per package.
114      */
115     private int ncssPerPkgMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
116     /**
117      * The minimum number of non-commenting source statements per package.
118      */
119     private int ncssPerPkgMin = -1;
120     /**
121      * The maximum number of inner classes per class.
122      */
123     private int classPerClassMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
124     /**
125      * The minimum number of inner classes per class.
126      */
127     private int classPerClassMin = -1;
128     /**
129      * The maximum number of functions per class.
130      */
131     private int funcPerClassMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
132     /**
133      * The minimum number of functions per class.
134      */
135     private int funcPerClassMin = -1;
136     /**
137      * The maximum number of non-commenting source statements per class.
138      */
139     private int ncssPerClassMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
140     /**
141      * The minimum number of non-commenting source statements per class.
142      */
143     private int ncssPerClassMin = -1;
144     /**
145      * The maximum number of javadoc comments per class.
146      */
147     private int jvdcPerClassMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
148     /**
149      * The minimum number of javadoc comments per class.
150      */
151     private int jvdcPerClassMin = -1;
152     /**
153      * The maximum number of javadoc comments per function.
154      */
155     private int jvdcPerFuncMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
156     /**
157      * The minimum number of javadoc comments per function.
158      */
159     private int jvdcPerFuncMin = -1;
160     /**
161      * The maximum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number per function.
162      */
163     private int ccnPerFuncMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
164     /**
165      * The minimum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number per function.
166      */
167     private int ccnPerFuncMin = -1;
168     /**
169      * The maximum number of non-commenting source statements per function.
170      */
171     private int ncssPerFuncMax = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
172     /**
173      * The minimum number of non-commenting source statements per function.
174      */
175     private int ncssPerFuncMin = -1;
176     /**
177      * Whether package metrics should be generated.
178      */
179     private boolean packageMetrics = true;
180     /**
181      * Whether class metrics should be generated.
182      */
183     private boolean classMetrics = true;
184     /**
185      * Whether function metrics should be generated.
186      */
187     private boolean functionMetrics = true;
188     /**
189      * Whether to generate a report.
190      */
191     private boolean generateReport = false;
192     /**
193      * The JavaNCSS object containing details of the code whose metrics are
194      * to be checked.
195      */
196     private Javancss javancss;
198     /**
199      * Creates a new instance of the task.
200      */
201     public JavancssAntTask() {
202         commandline.setClassname("javancss.Main");
203     }
205     /**
206      * Sets the format of the output file.
207      * @param format the format of the output file. Allowable values are 'plain'
208      * or 'xml'.
209      */
210     public void setFormat(String format) {
211         this.format = format;
212     }
214     /**
215      * Whether package metrics should be generated.
216      * @param packageMetrics true if they should; false otherwise.
217      */
218     public void setPackageMetrics(boolean packageMetrics) {
219         this.packageMetrics = packageMetrics;
220     }
222     /**
223      * Whether class/interface metrics should be generated.
224      * @param classMetrics true if they should; false otherwise.
225      */
226     public void setClassMetrics(boolean classMetrics) {
227         this.classMetrics = classMetrics;
228     }
230     /**
231      * Whether function metrics should be generated.
232      * @param functionMetrics true if they should; false otherwise.
233      */
234     public void setFunctionMetrics(boolean functionMetrics) {
235         this.functionMetrics = functionMetrics;
236     }
238     /**
239      * Whether a report should be generated. Default is false.
240      * @param generateReport true if they should; false otherwise.
241      */
242     public void setGenerateReport(boolean generateReport) {
243         this.generateReport = generateReport;
244     }
246     /**
247      * Sets the directory to be scanned by the tool. This should be the
248      * directory containing the source files whose metrics are to be
249      * analysed.
250      * @param srcdir the directory to be scanned by the tool.
251      */
252     public void setSrcdir(File srcdir) {
253         this.srcdir = srcdir;
254     }
256     /**
257      * Sets the location of the output file.
258      * @param outputfile the location of the output file.
259      */
260     public void setOutputfile(File outputfile) {
261         this.outputfile = outputfile;
262     }
264     /**
265      * Set the classpath to be used.
266      * @param classpath the classpath to be used.
267      */
268     public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
269         if (this.classpath == null) {
270             this.classpath = classpath;
271         } else {
272             this.classpath.append(classpath);
273         }
274     }
276     /**
277      * Sets whether the build should halt if there is an error or a threshold is
278      * exceeded.
279      * @param abortOnFail true if it should; false otherwise.
280      */
281     public void setAbortOnFail(boolean abortOnFail) {
282         this.abortOnFail = abortOnFail;
283     }
285     /**
286      * Executes this task.
287      * @throws BuildException if an error occurs.
288      */
289     @Override
290     public void execute() throws BuildException {
291         if (srcdir == null) {
292             throw new BuildException("srcdir attribute must be set!");
293         }
294         if (!srcdir.exists()) {
295             throw new BuildException("srcdir does not exist!");
296         }
297         if (!srcdir.isDirectory()) {
298             throw new BuildException("srcdir is not a directory!");
299         }
301         List<File> fileList = findFilesToAnalyse();
303         // First check thresholds
304         if (thresholdsExceeded(fileList) && abortOnFail) {
305             throw new BuildException("Metric threshold value(s) surpassed");
306         }
308         // Then generate report
309         int exitValue = generateReport(fileList);
310         if (exitValue == FAILURE) {
311             if (abortOnFail) {
312                 throw new BuildException("JavaNcss failed", getLocation());
313             } else {
314                 log("JavaNcss failed", Project.MSG_ERR);
315             }
316         }
317     }
319     /**
320      * Generates a report on the specified files.
321      * @param fileList the files to be analyzed.
322      * @return {@link #SUCCESS} if there were no errors; otherwise {@link #FAILURE}.
323      * @throws BuildException if an error occurs whilst generating the report.
324      */
325     private int generateReport(List<File> fileList) {
326         // If an output file has not been specified no report should be
327         // generated
328         if (!generateReport) {
329             return SUCCESS;
330         }
332         // result is in this.javancssArguments
333         log("Generating report");
334         if (outputfile != null) {
335             log("Report to be stored in " + outputfile.getPath(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
336         } else {
337             log("Report to be sent to standard output", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
338         }
339         String[] javancssArguments = getCommandLineArguments(fileList);
340         log("Executing: javancss " + Arrays.toString( javancssArguments ), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
342         try {
343             Javancss javancss = new Javancss(javancssArguments);
345             if (javancss.getLastError() == null) {
346                 return SUCCESS;
347             }
348         }
349         catch (IOException ioe)
350         {
351             log("IO exception while executing JavaNCSS: " + ioe.getMessage(), Project.MSG_ERR);
352         }
354         return FAILURE;
355     }
357     /**
358      * Checks to see if the metrics of the specified files have exceeded any of
359      * the thresholds.
360      * @param fileList the files to be analysed.
361      * @return true if any of the thresholds have been exceeded; false otherwise.
362      */
363     private boolean thresholdsExceeded(List<File> fileList) {
364         return packageThresholdsExceeded(fileList) ||
365                 classThresholdsExceeded(fileList) ||
366                 functionThresholdsExceeded(fileList);
367     }
370     /**
371      * Builds a list of all files to be analysed. We need to do this when
372      * testing thresholds as the Javancss object does not have a constructor
373      * that lets us make use of the -recursive option
374      */
375     private List<File> findFilesToAnalyse() {
376         DirectoryScanner ds = super.getDirectoryScanner(srcdir);
377         String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
378         if (files.length == 0) {
379             log("No files in specified directory " + srcdir, 3);
380         }
381         return copyFiles(files);
382     }
384     /**
385      * Converts the specified array of filenames into a vector of paths.
386      * @param filenames an array of filenames.
387      * @return a vector of paths. The path is constructed by prepending this
388      * task's source directory to each filename.
389      */
390     private List<File> copyFiles(String[] filenames) {
391         List<File> returnVector = new ArrayList<File>(filenames.length);
392         for (String filename : filenames) {
393             returnVector.add(new File(srcdir, filename));
394         }
395         return returnVector;
396     }
398     /**
399      * Maybe creates a nested classpath element.
400      */
401     public Path createClasspath() {
402         if (classpath == null) {
403             classpath = new Path(getProject());
404         }
405         return classpath.createPath();
406     }
408     /**
409      * Gets the command line arguments to be sent to JavaNCSS.
410      * @param fileList a list of all source files to be analysed.
411      * @return the command line arguments to be sent to JavaNCSS.
412      */
413     private String[] getCommandLineArguments(List<File> fileList) {
414         List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>();
416         // Set metrics to be generated
417         if (packageMetrics) {
418             arguments.add("-package");
419         }
420         if (classMetrics) {
421             arguments.add("-object");
422         }
423         if (functionMetrics) {
424             arguments.add("-function");
425         }
427         // Set format of report
428         if (format.equals("xml")) {
429             arguments.add("-xml");
430         }
432         // Set location of report
433         if (outputfile != null) {
434             arguments.add("-out");
435             arguments.add(outputfile.getPath());
436         }
438         // Set source code to be processed
439         arguments.add("@" + createSourceListFile(fileList).getPath());
441         String[] javancssArguments = new String[arguments.size()];
442         for (int argument = 0; argument < arguments.size(); argument++) {
443             javancssArguments[argument] = arguments.get(argument);
444         }
445         return javancssArguments;
446     }
448     /**
449      * Creates a temporary file containing a list of all source files to be
450      * analysed.
451      * @param fileList the source files to be analysed.
452      * @return a file containing a list of all specified source files.
453      */
454     private File createSourceListFile(List<File> fileList) {
455         File srcListFile;
456         try {
457             srcListFile = File.createTempFile("srcList", null);
458             srcListFile.deleteOnExit();
459             FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(srcListFile);
460             PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fos);
461             for (File file : fileList) {
462                 log(file.toString(), 3);
463                 pw.println(file.toString());
464             }
465             pw.close();
466             fos.close();
467         } catch (IOException e) {
468             throw new BuildException(e, getLocation());
469         }
470         return srcListFile;
471     }
473     /**
474      * Gets the JavaNCSS object containing details of the code whose metrics are
475      * to be checked.
476      * @param fileList the files to be analysed.
477      * @return the JavaNCSS object containing details of the code whose metrics
478      * are to be checked.
479      */
480     private Javancss getJavaNcss(List<File> fileList)
481     {
482         if (javancss == null)
483         {
484             log("Checking metrics on " + fileList.size() + " files");
485             javancss = new Javancss(fileList);
486         }
487         return javancss;
488     }
490     /**
491      * Checks package thresholds for all packages.
492      * @param fileList the files to be analysed.
493      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
494      */
495     private boolean packageThresholdsExceeded(List<File> fileList) {
496         boolean failed = false;
497         if (!(classPerPkgMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
498                 classPerPkgMin == -1 &&
499                 funcPerPkgMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
500                 funcPerPkgMin == -1 &&
501                 ncssPerPkgMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
502                 ncssPerPkgMin == -1)) {
503            List<PackageMetric> pkgMetrics = getJavaNcss(fileList).getPackageMetrics();
504             for (PackageMetric pkgMetric : pkgMetrics) {
505                 failed = packageThresholdExceeded(pkgMetric) || failed;
506             }
507         }
508         return failed;
509     }
511     /**
512      * Checks thresholds for the specified package.
513      * @param packageMetrics the metrics of the package under test.
514      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
515      */
516     private boolean packageThresholdExceeded(PackageMetric packageMetrics) {
517         boolean failed = false;
518         String errorMsg = "";
519         if (classPerPkgMax < packageMetrics.classes) {
520             failed = true;
521             errorMsg = packageMetrics.classes + " classes exceeds maximum per package";
522         } else if (classPerPkgMin > packageMetrics.classes) {
523             failed = true;
524             errorMsg = packageMetrics.classes + " classes does not meet minimum per package";
525         }
526         if (funcPerPkgMax < packageMetrics.functions) {
527             failed = true;
528             errorMsg = packageMetrics.functions + " functions exceeds maximum pre package";
529         } else if (funcPerPkgMin > packageMetrics.functions) {
530             failed = true;
531             errorMsg = packageMetrics.functions + " functions does not meet minimum per package";
532         }
533         if (ncssPerPkgMax < packageMetrics.ncss) {
534             failed = true;
535             errorMsg = packageMetrics.ncss + " NCSS exceeds maximum per package";
536         } else if (ncssPerPkgMin > packageMetrics.ncss) {
537             failed = true;
538             errorMsg = packageMetrics.ncss + " NCSS does not meet minimum per package";
539         }
541         if (failed) {
542             log( + " - " + errorMsg, Project.MSG_INFO);
543         }
544         return failed;
545     }
547     /**
548      * Checks thresholds for all classes and interfaces.
549      * @param fileList the files to be analysed.
550      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
551      */
552     private boolean classThresholdsExceeded(List<File> fileList) {
553         boolean failed = false;
554         if (!(classPerClassMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
555                 classPerClassMin == -1 &&
556                 funcPerClassMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
557                 funcPerClassMin == -1 &&
558                 jvdcPerClassMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
559                 jvdcPerClassMin == -1 &&
560                 ncssPerClassMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
561                 ncssPerClassMin == -1)) {
562             List<ObjectMetric> objMetrics = getJavaNcss(fileList).getObjectMetrics();
563             for (ObjectMetric objMetric : objMetrics) {
564                 failed = classThresholdExceeded(objMetric) || failed;
565             }
566         }
567         return failed;
568     }
570     /**
571      * Checks thresholds for the specified class or interface.
572      * @param classMetrics the metrics of the class or interface under test.
573      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
574      */
575     private boolean classThresholdExceeded(ObjectMetric classMetrics) {
576         boolean failed = false;
577         String errorMsg = "";
579         int classPerClass = classMetrics.classes;
580         int funcPerClass = classMetrics.functions;
581         int ncssPerClass = classMetrics.ncss;
582         int jvdcPerClass = classMetrics.javadocs;
584         if (classPerClassMax < classPerClass) {
585             failed = true;
586             errorMsg = classPerClass + " inner classes exceeds maximum per class";
587         } else if (classPerClassMin > classPerClass) {
588             failed = true;
589             errorMsg = classPerClass + " inner classes does not meet minimum per class";
590         }
591         if (funcPerClassMax < funcPerClass) {
592             failed = true;
593             errorMsg = funcPerClass + " functions exceeds maximum pre class";
594         } else if (funcPerClassMin > funcPerClass) {
595             failed = true;
596             errorMsg = funcPerClass + " functions does not meet minimum per class";
597         }
598         if (ncssPerClassMax < ncssPerClass) {
599             failed = true;
600             errorMsg = ncssPerClass + " NCSS exceeds maximum per class";
601         } else if (ncssPerClassMin > ncssPerClass) {
602             failed = true;
603             errorMsg = ncssPerClass + " NCSS does not meet minimum per class";
604         }
605         if (jvdcPerClassMax < jvdcPerClass) {
606             failed = true;
607             errorMsg = jvdcPerClass + " javadoc statements exceeds maximum per class";
608         } else if (jvdcPerClassMin > jvdcPerClass) {
609             failed = true;
610             errorMsg = jvdcPerClass + " javadoc statements does not meet minimum per class";
611         }
613         if (failed) {
614             log( + " - " + errorMsg, Project.MSG_INFO);
615         }
616         return failed;
617     }
619     /**
620      * Checks thresholds for all functions.
621      * @param fileList the files to be analysed.
622      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
623      */
624     private boolean functionThresholdsExceeded(List<File> fileList) {
625         boolean failed = false;
626         //check thresholds
627         if (!(jvdcPerFuncMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
628                 jvdcPerFuncMin == -1 &&
629                 ccnPerFuncMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
630                 ccnPerFuncMin == -1 &&
631                 ncssPerFuncMax == Integer.MAX_VALUE &&
632                 ncssPerFuncMin == -1)) {
633             //call getFunctionMetrics
634             List<FunctionMetric> funcMetrics = getJavaNcss(fileList).getFunctionMetrics();
635             for (FunctionMetric funcMetric : funcMetrics) {
636                 failed = functionThresholdExceeded(funcMetric) || failed;
637             }
638         }
639         return failed;
640     }
642     /**
643      * Checks thresholds for the specified function.
644      * @param functionMetrics the metrics of the function under test.
645      * @return true if a threshold has been exceeded; false otherwise.
646      */
647     private boolean functionThresholdExceeded(FunctionMetric functionMetrics) {
648         boolean failed = false;
649         String errorMsg = "";
651         int ccnPerFunc = functionMetrics.ccn;
652         int ncssPerFunc = functionMetrics.ncss;
653         int jvdcPerFunc = functionMetrics.javadocs;
655         if (ccnPerFuncMax < ccnPerFunc) {
656             failed = true;
657             errorMsg = ccnPerFunc + " CCN exceeds maximum per function";
658         } else if (ccnPerFuncMin > ccnPerFunc) {
659             failed = true;
660             errorMsg = ccnPerFunc + " CCN does not meet minimum per function";
661         }
662         if (ncssPerFuncMax < ncssPerFunc) {
663             failed = true;
664             errorMsg = ncssPerFunc + " NCSS exceeds maximum per function";
665         } else if (ncssPerFuncMin > ncssPerFunc) {
666             failed = true;
667             errorMsg = ncssPerFunc + " NCSS does not meet minimum per function";
668         }
669         if (jvdcPerFuncMax < jvdcPerFunc) {
670             failed = true;
671             errorMsg = jvdcPerFunc + " javadoc statements exceeds maximum per function";
672         } else if (jvdcPerFuncMin > jvdcPerFunc) {
673             failed = true;
674             errorMsg = jvdcPerFunc + " javadoc statements does not meet minimum per function";
675         }
677         if (failed) {
678             log( + " - " + errorMsg, Project.MSG_INFO);
679         }
680         return failed;
681     }
683     /**
684      * Sets the maximum number of classes per package.
685      * @param classPerPkgMax the maximum number of classes per package.
686      */
687     public void setClassPerPkgMax(int classPerPkgMax) {
688         this.classPerPkgMax = classPerPkgMax;
689     }
691     /**
692      * Sets the minimum number of classes per package.
693      * @param classPerPkgMin the minimum number of classes per package.
694      */
695     public void setClassPerPkgMin(int classPerPkgMin) {
696         this.classPerPkgMin = classPerPkgMin;
697     }
699     /**
700      * Sets the maximum number of functions per package.
701      * @param funcPerPkgMax the maximum number of functions per package.
702      */
703     public void setFuncPerPkgMax(int funcPerPkgMax) {
704         this.funcPerPkgMax = funcPerPkgMax;
705     }
707     /**
708      * Sets the minimum number of functions per package.
709      * @param funcPerPkgMin the minimum number of functions per package.
710      */
711     public void setFuncPerPkgMin(int funcPerPkgMin) {
712         this.funcPerPkgMin = funcPerPkgMin;
713     }
715     /**
716      * Sets the maximum number of non-commenting source statements per package.
717      * @param ncssPerPkgMax the maximum number of non-commenting source
718      * statements per package.
719      */
720     public void setNcssPerPkgMax(int ncssPerPkgMax) {
721         this.ncssPerPkgMax = ncssPerPkgMax;
722     }
724     /**
725      * Sets the minimum number of non-commenting source statements per package.
726      * @param ncssPerPkgMin the minimum number of non-commenting source
727      * statements per package.
728      */
729     public void setNcssPerPkgMin(int ncssPerPkgMin) {
730         this.ncssPerPkgMin = ncssPerPkgMin;
731     }
733     /**
734      * Sets the maximum number of inner classes per class.
735      * @param classPerClassMax the maximum number of inner classes per class.
736      */
737     public void setClassPerClassMax(int classPerClassMax) {
738         this.classPerClassMax = classPerClassMax;
739     }
741     /**
742      * Sets the minimum number of inner classes per class.
743      * @param classPerClassMin the minimum number of inner classes per class.
744      */
745     public void setClassPerClassMin(int classPerClassMin) {
746         this.classPerClassMin = classPerClassMin;
747     }
749     /**
750      * Sets the maximum number of functions per class.
751      * @param funcPerClassMax the maximum number of functions per class.
752      */
753     public void setFuncPerClassMax(int funcPerClassMax) {
754         this.funcPerClassMax = funcPerClassMax;
755     }
757     /**
758      * Sets the minimum number of functions per class.
759      * @param funcPerClassMin the minimum number of functions per class.
760      */
761     public void setFuncPerClassMin(int funcPerClassMin) {
762         this.funcPerClassMin = funcPerClassMin;
763     }
765     /**
766      * Sets the maximum number of non-commenting source statements per class.
767      * @param ncssPerClassMax the maximum number of non-commenting source
768      * statements per class.
769      */
770     public void setNcssPerClassMax(int ncssPerClassMax) {
771         this.ncssPerClassMax = ncssPerClassMax;
772     }
774     /**
775      * Sets the minimum number of non-commenting source statements per class.
776      * @param ncssPerClassMin the minimum number of non-commenting source
777      * statements per class.
778      */
779     public void setNcssPerClassMin(int ncssPerClassMin) {
780         this.ncssPerClassMin = ncssPerClassMin;
781     }
783     /**
784      * Sets the maximum number of javadoc comments per class.
785      * @param jvdcPerClassMax the maximum number of javadoc comments per class.
786      */
787     public void setJvdcPerClassMax(int jvdcPerClassMax) {
788         this.jvdcPerClassMax = jvdcPerClassMax;
789     }
791     /**
792      * Sets the minimum number of javadoc comments per class.
793      * @param jvdcPerClassMin the minimum number of javadoc comments per class.
794      */
795     public void setJvdcPerClassMin(int jvdcPerClassMin) {
796         this.jvdcPerClassMin = jvdcPerClassMin;
797     }
799     /**
800      * Sets the maximum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number per function.
801      * @param ccnPerFuncMax the maximum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number
802      * per function.
803      */
804     public void setCcnPerFuncMax(int ccnPerFuncMax) {
805         this.ccnPerFuncMax = ccnPerFuncMax;
806     }
808     /**
809      * Sets the minimum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number per function.
810      * @param ccnPerFuncMin the minimum value of the Cyclomatic Complexity Number
811      * per function.
812      */
813     public void setCcnPerFuncMin(int ccnPerFuncMin) {
814         this.ccnPerFuncMin = ccnPerFuncMin;
815     }
817     /**
818      * Sets the maximum number of non-commenting source statements per function.
819      * @param ncssPerFuncMax the maximum number of non-commenting source
820      * statements per function.
821      */
822     public void setNcssPerFuncMax(int ncssPerFuncMax) {
823         this.ncssPerFuncMax = ncssPerFuncMax;
824     }
826     /**
827      * Sets the minimum number of non-commenting source statements per function.
828      * @param ncssPerFuncMin the minimum number of non-commenting source
829      * statements per function.
830      */
831     public void setNcssPerFuncMin(int ncssPerFuncMin) {
832         this.ncssPerFuncMin = ncssPerFuncMin;
833     }
835     /**
836      * Sets the maximum number of javadoc comments per function.
837      * @param jvdcPerFuncMax the maximum number of javadoc comments per function.
838      */
839     public void setJvdcPerFuncMax(int jvdcPerFuncMax) {
840         this.jvdcPerFuncMax = jvdcPerFuncMax;
841     }
843     /**
844      * Sets the minimum number of javadoc comments per function.
845      * @param jvdcPerFuncMin the minimum number of javadoc comments per function.
846      */
847     public void setJvdcPerFuncMin(int jvdcPerFuncMin) {
848         this.jvdcPerFuncMin = jvdcPerFuncMin;
849     }
850 }